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Fractures: Rule of Law Challenges in the Global Drug War
side event at the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Friday March 17, 2023
9:10am ET | 2:10-3:00pm CET | 9:10pm PHST
Vienna International Centre, Room M6 (UN access required)
Drug war campaigns present challenges to human rights. Extrajudicial killings, unjust or unlawful detentions, and denial of essential medicines, are among the ills faced in the global drug war, some of them large enough to risk fracturing world rule of law efforts. This session will review various rule of law in drug policy situations, and national and international advocacy efforts to address them.
Father Albert Alejo, Faculty, Pontifical Gregorian University
Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Programme Coordinator, Asian Human Rights Commission
Natalia Kubesch, Legal Officer, Redress (via Zoom)
Organized by DRCNet Foundation AKA StoptheDrugWar.org, with Asian Human Rights Commission, Associazone Luca Coscioni and Forum Droghe. Moderated by David Borden, Executive Director, DRCNet Foundation.